Usually, yeast infections are not mentioned in polite conversation. The infection itself is often not a fatal problem, but when not handled properly, it can lead to more serious health conditions. There are multiple topics surrounding the treatment and cures for yeast infection, but prevention via proper hygiene is always the best route. Here’s some helpful advice.
After you come out of a pool, shed your wet clothing and dry off immediately. Avoid clothing that is still wet, as that promotes ideal conditions for the growth of yeast. Dry off completely before you put on dry clothing.
Any time that you work out or spend time outside in the heat, you need to change into clean undergarments afterward, and try to take a shower. It’s very important to keep the vaginal area clean and dry so as to help reduce the risk of yeast infections.
Never use scented products near the vagina. Scented sprays, soaps and douches can increase the chance of a yeast infection. This is particularly crucial for things that come in direct contact with this area like pads and tampons because that can cause a lot of irritation. Any dye in decorated or colored toilet paper should also be avoided.
If you applied a cream to the yeast-infected area, do not use diaphragms and condoms. This cream may interfere with contraception. Stop having sex until the infection is totally gone. If you do have sex, you’re putting both yourself and your partner at risk so you should discuss this carefully with your physician.
Put on cotton underwear to prevent a yeast infection from beginning. Synthetic fabrics can hold in heat and moisture, making it a perfect environment for yeast to grow. Stick with one hundred percent cotton and change them frequently, especially after working out. By staying dry, you are more likely to remain healthy and infection-free.
If you face frequent yeast infections, try adding probiotics to your menu. Acidophilus, the common bacteria in most yogurt, is a beneficial culture that helps to balance the bacteria within the body, staving off yeast infections. Probiotics are available for purchase in both powder and pill forms.
If you’re suffering from a yeast infection, getting rid of it is your number one priority. Even those who have never had an infection need to know how to prevent one in the future. With the advice in this article, you can do both. Try some or all of these tips, and you will see a healthier you.